Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Final Project Outline 'Forget-Me-Not'

Hey guys thanks for checking out my blog! Just thought I would try to keep everyone updated as well as providing a space for feedback and discussion, hope you enjoy.

So, I thought I would just explain a little about what my project is all about and what I am working towards for this semester.

I have a 14 week period in which I have to develop a research based design brief which will form the basis for my class' end of year Graduation Show. The research that I conduct within  my studio practice will help to formulate and investigate this document.

The proposition or 'hypothesis' for my project is as follows;

Is it possible to create an evolving monument that critically investigates the memorialisation of collective memory?

I know this all kinda sounds like waffle but it is actually rather interesting, promise!

In order to explain further....

This project will seek to determine whether a monumental space (which by definition commemorates a static event in time) can be designed to cater for the evolving nature of the Edmonds Cookbook as a memorial for collective memory. Through analysis of the stains and mark making contained within my own copy, I will investigate the socio-cultural implications of the cookbook as an evolving document of New Zealand cooking history. By formally investigating the characteristics of the Edmonds Cookbook through 2D and 3D representation I will discover what it means to create an evolving space that not only is a monument to the past but also caters for the temporal nature of collective memory.

I think thats enough theory for now! 
Let me know if you have any questions etc and invite anyone else who may be interested.


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