In order to continue to critically investigate the sensory elements of memory and establish a relationship between built form and atmospheric qualities to invoke within my final design I have analysed my site by utilizing a similar criteria to the formation of the marquette.
The site that I have selected to stage my exhibition is the former Newton Police Barracks at number 1 Ponsonby Road. The site currently houses Artstation, a community orientated art ‘headquarters’, which runs classes, a gallery and public studio space for hire.
The process of cooking shares similar spatial characteristics with my chosen site. The rising of a cake can be compared to the spatial configurations of staircases and lifts while particular mixing techniques can be linked to circulation through space.
At the moment I am working through a few different ways in which to demonstrate the atmospheric qualities and spatial expereince within the interior of the building. Including various drawing techniques, computer modelling and physical models. More images to come...